
  • [codility] Time Complexity - FrogJmp
    Algorithm 2021. 9. 22. 22:49


    A small frog wants to get to the other side of the road. The frog is currently located at position X and wants to get to a position greater than or equal to Y. The small frog always jumps a fixed distance, D.

    Count the minimal number of jumps that the small frog must perform to reach its target.

    Write a function:

    public func solution(_ X : Int, _ Y : Int, _ D : Int) -> Int

    that, given three integers X, Y and D, returns the minimal number of jumps from position X to a position equal to or greater than Y.

    For example, given:

    X = 10 Y = 85 D = 30

    the function should return 3, because the frog will be positioned as follows:

    • after the first jump, at position 10 + 30 = 40
    • after the second jump, at position 10 + 30 + 30 = 70
    • after the third jump, at position 10 + 30 + 30 + 30 = 100

    Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions:

    • X, Y and D are integers within the range [1..1,000,000,000];
    • X ≤ Y.Copyright 2009–2021 by Codility Limited. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying, publication or disclosure prohibited.


    문제 해설

    개구리 초기 위치 X, 도착 지점 Y, 점프 값 D, X<=Y


    구현 해설

    초기 위치값X가 Y보다 크거나 같으면 이동하지 않아도 도착지점 예외처리

    도착지점 - 초기지점 = 이동해야 할 거리 

    이동해야 할 거리 / 점프 한번 당 이동거리 = 이동횟수

    이동해야 할 거리 % 점프 한번 당 이동거리의 나머지 몫이 0보다 크면 한번 카운트 추가


    import Foundation
    import Glibc
    // you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
    // print("this is a debug message")
    public func solution(_ X : Int, _ Y : Int, _ D : Int) -> Int {
        // write your code in Swift 4.2.1 (Linux)
        if X >= Y {
            return 0
        var count = (Y-X) / D
        if (Y-X) % D > 0 {
            count += 1
        return count


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